Friday, January 8, 2010

Anti Depressants only work for severe symptoms: Part 1

The majority of individuals with depression have been tried on many different types of anti depressant drugs. The constant complaint by most individuals is that the drugs simply do not work. Well, perhaps these people were right in the first place. The latest study reveals that drugs for depression only provide relief in individuals with severe depression. For the majority of other patients with moderate depression, the drugs were no more effective than a sugar pill.

While the drugs may help some individuals with depression, it appears that the overall benefits of these drugs have been exaggerated in the past. The problem in the past has been that most of the trials were sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies. We now know that these companies (e.g. like Pfizer) have no qualms about fudging the data.

Looking back it appears that data showing that anti depressants did not work may have been hidden or never published. Antidepressants are a multibillion dollar business and no drug industry is going to release negative data because the name of the game is –money.

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